
A Symfony javascript logger bundle

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Welcome to jsLogger-bundle page.This symfony2 bundle using monolog will log javascript events

How to install You can download the github version.
Or using composer : composer require zaeder/js-logger-bundle

How to configure 1 - Add bundle to app/AppKernel.php <?php

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Zaeder\Link4mailingBundle\ZaederJsLoggerBundle(),

        if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'), true)) {

        return $bundles;

2 - Add your user entity class to app/config/config.yml monolog:
            type: stream
            path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/js_%kernel.environment%.log"
            level: debug
            channels: [jsLogger]

    allowed_levels: ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'ALERT', 'EMERGENCY']
    monolog_channel: jsLogger

Define mode There is two modes : manual and auto.
It's defined by a twig extension function which you have to defined before your scripts.

{{ zaeder_js_logger() }} : Manual mode
{{ zaeder_js_auto_logger() }} : Automatic mode

Manual mode In this mode, the developer have to use jsLogger(level, message, contextData) to log his message.

Function's arguments :
level : Must be in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'ALERT', 'EMERGENCY'] and defined in config file (mandatory)
message : Message to log (mandatory)
contextData : Other information like the stack, the file, the user agent, … (optional)

Automatic mode In this mode, the javascripts errors will be logged automatically. The methods console.debug, console.info, console.warn, console.error either if the levels defined in config file allowed it.